Shows Actual Time Difference and Time Zone difference between two Cities
Having Inbuilt Offline Database of more than 20,000 Cities of the World
Shows other information about Cities like Location Co-Ordinates [Longitude and Lattitude], Time Zone Name, Time Zone Value, Country Code, ISD Code
User can select any City available in the database"
What is Actual Time Difference:
Lets take example of two Indian Cities. Ahmedabad and Kolkata.
Both belong to same Time Zone which is 'Asia/Kolkata [5:30]'. So, as per Time Zone, there is no difference in time between these two cities.
But, if you go to Kolkata, you will notice that there Sun rises approx. 1 Hour earlier than Ahmedabad.
So, if Sun rises at 6:30 AM in Ahmedabad, it will rise at 5:30 AM in Kolkata. This is Actual Time Difference.
Most people, experience this but they don't have information about this Actual Time difference. Mostly, time difference data between two Cities is available as per Time Zone.
This App show this Actual Time Difference between Two Cities !!!"